A good kind of scary for your kids

This article was originally published on Scouting Magazine and can be viewed here. Dr. Bridget Walker makes her living scaring people, and she’s proud of it. A practitioner of cognitive behavioral therapy, she knows the best way to fight fear is to face it, as she...

Conquer Your Child’s Phobia

  My 3 yr. old is scared of the wind. He freaks out if I open the windows in my home and refuses to go outside with even the smallest of breezes. I tell him it won’t hurt him, but I also refuse to close the windows when he’s acting like this. I...

Tips for Teachers of Children with Anxiety Issues

  Teachers are among the most constant and important figures in children’s lives. Teachers, as well as school counselors, special education providers, extended care staff and administrators interact with children for many hours of a child’s day. They are...